Archive for the ‘Tomato paste’ Tag

Heavy,lovely Spaghetti   Leave a comment

Piper nigrum- Black pepper, Green pepper, Pink...

Image via Wikipedia

I upgrade my spaghetti  with more deep love . Hope you give it a try . This will stick to your ribs for a while, just to give you a heads up.

All you’ll need:

I start with the meat. I add ground beef  into a  large sauce pan fill with a cup of water. This will make sure the meat is cook  thoroughly. I like to sprinkle a little italian season into the water first so the beef has a great kick.  As this is well on it s way I start boiling the water for the noodles.  In a skillet glazed with olive oil ,parsley,thin slice of lettuce and black pepper. I add chopped medium size onions and green peppers the garlic very thin. A little soul season and salt . I let it fry just enough to be caramel . This will give the sauce such a robust flavor.  As this almost done, I add the noodles to the water, add just 1 teaspoon of tomato paste to the veggies.

No extra water to the meat just yet, I throw all the veggies from the skillet into the saucepan. Blend well. Add half a cup of water. Then add the capers and the spaghetti sauce. One teaspoon of olive oil. Simmer under a low flame for at least fifteen minutes before  medium flame. Stir constant.  I personally like my noodles almost done because its firm  for leftovers. After all is done  let cool for about ten – fifteen minutes depending  on amount.




Friday   3 comments

backyard swimming pool

Image via Wikipedia

This month is going fast. My kids are dreading yet excited about going back to school. Funny.  Friday ,after work I ‘ll be taking the kids to swimming pool and from there to hang out for a while. I miss hanging out with them. So far this summer they hang out with their friends and I ‘m the last person they want to see except to get money. This is my oldest last summer where he doesn’t has to think about getting a job. I figure let kids enjoys being a little older and mature .They have their whole life to work so, let them enjoy about the only time in their life when they don’t . Right?  Believe me they will think you for it.

I gonna make sure I get some extra sleep tonight because work has been hected lately since  several workers went on vacation right after each other. Plus I want to have enough energy  for tomorrow night.  Not only we going to the pool I going to cook  some tacos,rent a movie and just sit back relax. I gonna make it special.  I bought some fruits that I gonna mix in the sorbet. I either will blend the blueberries and chop apples and sorbet in a blender or just put on top. It ‘s cool.

The homemade tacos. I get some ground beef and a can of tomato paste. Once it done I just add fresh tomatoes ,shredded cheese and lettuce on a soft taco. Simple. On mine I like jalapeno peppers and olives. My kids just like it simple

What you gonna do on Friday?